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My wife doesn’t mind that I don’t last long in bed but I feel I’m missing out


I LAST between five and 30 seconds when I have sex.

I have suffered with premature ejaculation all my life.

I am 52 and my wife is 49. We have been married for 20 years. I can last if I pleasure myself but have no control during intercourse.

I always bring my wife to orgasm in other ways, then we have sex for as long as I can. She doesn’t seem to mind but I feel I am missing out.

I tried talking to her but I think once she has reached orgasm, she doesn’t care how long I last.

ADVICE: This is one of the most common worries men write to me about and it is also one of the easiest to put right.

Self-help sex therapy techniques are explained in my e-leaflet Want To Last Longer? but do explain to your wife you feel you are missing out.

Having sex a second time around could be far more satisfying for you both.

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