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My rich boyfriend’s manhood is too tiny to satisfy me so I’m cheating with my well-endowed ex

I HAVE awesome sex with my ex whenever he drops by to see how I am.

It’s really not planned but it happens again and again.

I’m 23 and have been with my present boyfriend a year. He’s 26 and a great-looking guy with a job in IT.

He has a large house and a lovely big car. The main problem is that his manhood’s so tiny he gives me no pleasure at all

We met at a trade fair. I was doing PR for a gaming-chair firm and he was hanging around near his company stand.

I gave him a smile and a bright-red balloon and invited him over to try out a chair.

I was flirting with him just for fun and was surprised when he gave me his card and said: “Give me a call.”

We went on a date and I thought he’d be taking me back to his place at the end of the night but he made an excuse.

The next two dates were the same. He took me for wonderful meals then dropped me back home with a hug and a kiss.

I was wondering if he was married or something like that but then on the fourth date he offered to cook me a meal at his house.

It all felt so nice. He seemed very nervous and made silly jokes about the best things coming in small packages.

When we got closer, I could understood why.

He’s a really great guy. He buys me great presents and takes me away for weekends but the sex doesn’t do it for me. My ex is so different from him.

He’s 25, happy-go-lucky and never has money to take me for meals — but sex is amazing with him. I love my boyfriend to bits but I feel so confused.


Are you sure you love him or is it the house and the weekends away? Would you love him if he lost his job?

You are having great sex with your ex and that begs the question: Why did you split from such a great lover? Is his lack of money putting you off?

It is natural to want all the good things in life but you need to decide what you want.

Lack of inches may not be your boyfriend’s problem in pleasuring you so much as a lack of self-confidence and perhaps sexual experience.

You could help him with that if you care for the man.

My e-leaflet Manhood Too Small? gives lots of advice.

If your heart is not in it, do not be a cheat because that is bad for your own self-esteem.

Focus on getting what you want in life through your own efforts.

Wait for a man who supports you in finding your way . . . and gives you great times in bed too.


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