Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) has recently said that landlords might be facing 15 years imprisonment for renting their houses to internet fraudsters popularly called “Yahoo Boys”.
In a video shared on their Instagram page @OfficialEFCC on Monday, the caption reads, “The EFCC is pleased to invite the general public to the tenth edition of #EFCCConnect, an open forum with members of the public as we discuss, “Landlord: Give your house to yahoo boys, spend 15 years in jail.”
The programme is scheduled to hold on Wednesday, June 29th at 6 pm on Twitter Spaces via the commission’s official Twitter handle.
Meanwhile, Nigerians have taken to the comment section to vent their anger about how a landlord will be able to identify a yahoo boy at the point of renting their apartment.
By Adekunle Biodun
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