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Crisis over Ajimobi burial by Wole Arisekola


Folks are wondering why former Governor of Oyo State, Abiola Ajimobi who is a Muslim has not been buried many days after his death. Well let me give you the premium scoop; During his tenure as the Governor of Oyo State, Abiola Ajimobi converted so many of the State’s properties into his personal use without paying a dime for any of them. Some of these properties have since been seized by the Oyo State government and converted back to the State’s use. So when it was time to bury him, his wife, Florence Ajimobi strategically chose one of the choice properties that her late husband stole from Oyo State, a sprawling edifice very close to the Government House in Ibadan. But the said property had been under lock and key by the State government even prior to Ajimobi’s death so it was very surprising that she made attempts to stylishly usurp the property once again. She knows too well that if she triumphs in burying her husband there, the property becomes automatically theirs.

But the State Governor Seyi Makinde is not having it, Seyi has vehemently refused the pressure from her. Firstly she got the VP to interfere in the matter. The VP is said to have called the Governor and pleaded on her behalf but the Governor maintained that he has looked away on so many occasions and obliged the Ajimobis countless times in allowing them keep their various loots. That he wouldn’t stand by and watch this lady play a fast one on the State by trying to bury her husband there. When Florence Ajimobi saw that the former Redeem Pastor was unable to make it happen, she reached out again to former President Obasanjo to intervene on her behalf and Obasanjo promised to speak with Governor Seyi Makinde, but as at this afternoon Obasanjo has not gotten back to her. Knowing Obasanjo very well, he might not have even called Seyi Makinde because he knows the ex Oyo First Lady is just playing smart and greedy. Since they don’t want to bury him in his Oluyole home they have now officially agreed with Oyo State government to bury him tomorrow at the Abiola Ajimobi Mosque he built in Oke Ado during his reign.

This is my take and I will say it as it is; this is a widow who sits on a multi billion Naira fortune that her husband acquired as a two time Governor of Oyo State. Whether in pounds Sterling, dollars or Naira, money is not in any way her problem. She has just too much money at her disposal; in a State her husband left in a MESS!!!!
He had the University Students stay at home for two freaking years!!!!!! And he refused to pay teachers and lecturers. The Story is horrific. But even with all these, his widow is more interested in using her late husband’s burial to Steal more from the State, this single action perfectly mirrors the mindset of the late politician and his wife. The entitlement mentality is to put it mildly MORBID!!!!! These people believe that looting our financial destinies is actually their full fledged rights. Two years ago, I wrote extensively about the Ajimobis particularly about his wife Florence, her disdainful and very condescending attitude in general. I predicted that when they leave power she would realize in a very painful way that political power is transient. Might look for that write up and share it again. Even in death politicians and their families are still LOOTING!!!!

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