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My girlfriend wants to abort our baby to pursue her university dream


MY girlfriend has just found out she is pregnant and chosen her university course over our baby.

We’ve been together for two years. I’m 42 and she’s 28. She always wanted a family with me.

My girlfriend was working in a dead-end job so I said I’d support her when she expressed an interest in going to university.

She said if she did get pregnant, she would defer her course for a year.

But she wants a termination. My age does come in to it. If we wait until after her course is over, I’ll be 45.

This may be my only chance to have a child. Should I leave her and find somebody who wants to start a family now?

ADVICE: I totally understand how distres­sing this is for you.

But be careful you do not make your girlfriend feel as if her primary importance to you is to bear your children.

She needs to feel loved for herself.

If her having this child is so important to you, show your commit­ment by offering to take on as much of the childcare as possible.

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